DISCO Self-Assessment Tool

Thematic module 1: Online Communication

1. How much a career counsellor prepares for an online guidance session does not influence the success of the session.



2. In online guidance there different phases. Which of the following phases comes first?

Change phase

Orientation phase

Final Closing phase

Clarification phase

3. Building a trustful relationship with clients is not important for a guidance session as passing on information is the most important.



4. What could you do as a career counsellor in order to endanger a trustful relationship between you and the client?

By repeating the contents of your client in your own words

By listening carefully

By criticizing the client for decisions he or she met in the past

5. Career guidance practitioners should adapt a general approach for all of their clients.



6. Technical requirements for effective online career guidance sessions are limited to having an internet connection.



7. What is oraliterality in online communication such as chat guidance?

You write and talk at the same time.

You write in a chat the way you write a professional e-mail

You write the same way you speak using emojis in order to express feelings

You write the way you want

8. There is no need for the establishment of a netiquette plan between the practitioner and the client.



Thematic module 2: Designing Blended Guidance Formats

9. Blended career guidance solely involves online interactions and excludes traditional face-to-face formats.



10. What is essential when combining traditional and digital resources for blended career guidance?

Using only digital assessments

Tailoring traditional and digital formats to client needs

Exclusively utilizing online guidance

Avoiding digital resources entirely

11. Traditional guidance techniques can often be adapted to work in blended environments by integrating new digital strategies.



12. Which step is critical when setting up technical equipment for online career guidance sessions?

Purchasing only the most expensive equipment

Relying exclusively on a stable internet connection

Properly setting up cameras, microphones, and lighting

Ignoring equipment configuration

13. Understanding the stages of the career guidance process is critical for evaluating client progress.



14. Which skill is crucial for managing virtual career guidance sessions?

Applying only traditional in-person guidance strategies

Using strict scheduling tools and tailored virtual environments

Avoiding scheduling tools altogether

Prioritizing digital tools over client engagement

15. Career guidance practitioners should be adaptable to evolving technologies and client needs.



16. How should career guidance formats be used to ensure effective blended guidance?

Strictly use one preferred format, traditional or digital

Ignore evidence-based techniques

Customize guidance formats to client needs

Rely solely on traditional in-person guidance

17. Balancing career guidance responsibilities, digital resources, and personal matters requires effective time management.



19. Seeking out and integrating new technologies can help elevate blended career guidance.



20. Career guidance practitioners should advocate for empowering clients in making informed career decisions.



21. Which of the following should career guidance practitioners prioritize for continuous professional development?

Avoiding technological advancements

Staying current with new guidance techniques and strategies

Adopting only traditional guidance methods

Disregarding evidence-based approaches

22. Face-to-face career guidance can offer benefits that differ from those provided by online formats



23. Which of the following should be included as stages in the career guidance process?

Preparation, assessment, review, and evaluation

Immediate assessment and instant client recommendations

Final review of client progress only

Eliminating evaluation to avoid overwhelming the client

24. Evaluation techniques should assess how blended career guidance formats impact client progress.



25. Blending various guidance formats can optimize client engagement in both individual and group sessions.



Thematic module 3: Digital Resources and Tools

26. Digital tools and online counselling cannot be interactive.



27. Which of the following best describes "obsolescence"?

The strategy of designing products to have a limited lifespan to encourage repeat purchases.

The state of being outdated or no longer in use, often due to advancements in technology.

The natural process of wear and tear that reduces the functionality of a product over time.

The practice of recycling old products to create new ones.

28. It is useful for guidance counsellors to be able to assess their own digital skills and needs, in addition to their clients’.



29. In online and blended counselling, digital tools can be used only for the evaluation purposes.



30. Troubleshooting digital issues is not useful for guidance counsellors, as they are not IT specialists.



Thematic module 4: Safety & Regulations in Blended Guidance

31. What does GDPR stand for?

General Data Protection Regulation

Guidance Data Privacy Regulation

Global Digital Privacy Requirements

32. GDPR regulations do not apply to career guidance settings if personal data is collected offline.



33. What is one of the key principles of GDPR?

Data should be collected only for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes

Data should be shared freely among different organizations

Data should be stored indefinitely without the need for regular updates

34. GDPR mandates that individuals have the right to access their personal data held by organizations.



35. How should you handle personal data collected from clients?

Share it with third-party organizations for better job matching

Store it securely and obtain explicit consent from the client

Use it for marketing purposes without informing the client

36. It is acceptable to share a client's personal information with other professionals



37. When working with minors and vulnerable groups, what is the first step in safeguarding?

Report any concerns to the appropriate safeguarding authorities

Discuss the concerns with colleagues and seek advice

Ignore the concerns unless explicitly mentioned by the minor or vulnerable individual

38. Safeguarding matters only involve protecting clients from physical harm and do not include emotional or psychological well-being.



39. What is an effective way to promote self-care practices and stress reduction methods to clients?

Provide resources and information on self-care during guidance sessions

Avoid discussing personal well-being topics to maintain professionalism

Ignore signs of stress or mental health issues as they are not relevant to career guidance

40. It is important to prioritize self-care practices for both guidance practitioners and clients to ensure a healthy and productive guidance experience.

